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There are many changes to the skin as you get older. One skin growth that is common among older adults is seborrheic keratosis. These small skin growths can look similar to other abnormal growths that are linked to skin cancer, but seborrheic keratosis does not pose a health risk. However, it is important to have all irregular skin growths diagnosed. At LM Medical NYC, our board certified dermatologist can diagnose all types of skin growths and perform seborrheic keratosis treatment at our clinic in Manhattan.

Seborrheic keratosis can grow almost anywhere on the skin, but they are most common on the head, face, neck, back and torso, and these growths do not appear on the palms or soles of the feet. They are commonly tan or brown, but the color of these growths can range from white to black. The growths start as small bumps, then become rough and waxy as they get larger. They can resemble a brown wart that is as small as a freckle, or they can be larger than a quarter.

Removing Seborrheic Keratosis

After a seborrheic keratosis has been diagnosed, you can determine whether or not you want the growths removed. These bumps are usually painless, but some can itch or be bothersome due to aesthetics. If you want seborrheic keratosis removed, our dermatologist, renowned skin expert Dr. Morgan Rabach, can perform removal. Most seborrheic keratosis can be quickly removed by shaving it off the skin or removing by excision. Cryotherapy is another option for seborrheic keratosis removal.

Seborrheic keratosis is a common, non-cancerous skin growth for older adults, but they can resemble skin cancer and precancerous growths. For diagnosis and treatment options for skin growths, contact us at LM Medical NYC. We can schedule a skin growth inspection or seborrheic keratosis treatment at our clinic in Greenwich Village.

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